François-Marius Granet – Colosseum Interior

François-Marius Granet Aix-en-Provence 1775 – 1849 Interno del Colosseo • 1802 ca. oil on canvas, 99 x 75 cm For so long, artists have celebrated the majestic beauty of the Colosseum, the Roman amphitheatre built in the time of Emperor Titus (79-81). For so long, painted views have reflected the fascination for that grandiose elliptical…

Melchior Barthel – Satyr

Melchior Barthel Dresden 1625 – 1672 Satyr • 1662 white Carrara marble, h. 53.5 cm Provenance: bought in Venice for Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria; described in the inventory of the collection of Archiduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria  (A. Berger, Inventar und Kunstsammlung …, “Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien”, 1, 1883, p. CLXXVI, n. 514l);…

Paola Consolo – Selfportrait

Paola Consolo (Venice 1908 – Milan 1933) Selfportrait • 1932 oil on canvas,  100 x 80 cm (with frame 118 x 97) Signed and dated lower right: “Paola Consolo 32” Bibliography and exhibitions XVIII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della cittĂ  di Venezia, Venice, 1932, exh. cat., Venezia 1932, p. 107, photo at p. 97 of illustration;…

Giovanni Colacicchi – The Drunkenness of Noah

Giovanni Colacicchi (Anagni 1900-Firenze 1992) L’ebbrezza di Noè 1955 Olio su tela, cm 97 x 155 Provenienza: collezione famiglia Colacicchi Esposizioni: 1961, Firenze, Galleria Santacroce, n. 31; 1966, Roma, Galleria La Barcaccia, n 14; 1966, Montecatini, Galleria La Barcaccia, n. 16; 1967, Torino, Galleria Piemonte Artistico Culturale, n. 35; 1972, Firenze, Galleria La Gradiva, n.…

Matthias Stom – Incredulity of St. Thomas

Matthias Stom Netherlands, circa 1600 – Northern Italy (?), post 1645 Incredulity of St. Thomas • 1630/40 ca. oil on canvas, 99.5 x 74.5 cm Caravaggesque theme par excellence – Merisi’s famous prototype, today in Potsdam, was taken on as the manifesto of his pictorial method, based on the restitution of the sacred and mythological…